This blogger has decided to shift her residence to another locality called The reason for this shift is being tempted by the attractive features of the new locality, especially the great templates.
All of you are cordially invited to visit her new home by clicking here.
The blogger sadly leaves her home for the last 4 months......
uniquely priya
A place for everything that is close to my heart....from ramblings of an idle mind to something inspirational to fun and humor.....self-written and sourced....
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
Monday blues
Mondays are meant for feeling blue,
So do people say,
Much has been said about this day,
But I have felt like that
Only on very few a Monday;
However, today is different,
I am just back from a holiday,
Poor me is back in a confined space
After a week of freedom,
Back to the usual routine
After a 7-day vacation,
Back to my home
From the land of Chennai.
Back amidst familiar faces
Back amidst known voices,
Back after laughs and hugs and tears
Chitchat and gossip,
And roller coasters of emotions;
There is a load of work to do,
But my mind wanders,
I yearn for the lost freedom,
I wish I could have filled in
More enjoyment into these few days;
I wish to go back
And do all the things I didn’t,
I missed out on a lot of things,
Visits to relatives’,
The usual visit to the beach,
The shopping spree
And the dining out in glee,
The long hours of sleep and rest,
The books I meant to read,
The movies I meant to see,
All the things I had planned to,
But didn’t do
Due to constraints like time and health.
I am just back from a trip
And my heart longs for another,
But I know I cannot do that,
That makes this Monday bluer than ever,
Hence this poem I write
To let out my pain,
On my dear blog
I let my grief be etched.
So do people say,
Much has been said about this day,
But I have felt like that
Only on very few a Monday;
However, today is different,
I am just back from a holiday,
Poor me is back in a confined space
After a week of freedom,
Back to the usual routine
After a 7-day vacation,
Back to my home
From the land of Chennai.
Back amidst familiar faces
Back amidst known voices,
Back after laughs and hugs and tears
Chitchat and gossip,
And roller coasters of emotions;
There is a load of work to do,
But my mind wanders,
I yearn for the lost freedom,
I wish I could have filled in
More enjoyment into these few days;
I wish to go back
And do all the things I didn’t,
I missed out on a lot of things,
Visits to relatives’,
The usual visit to the beach,
The shopping spree
And the dining out in glee,
The long hours of sleep and rest,
The books I meant to read,
The movies I meant to see,
All the things I had planned to,
But didn’t do
Due to constraints like time and health.
I am just back from a trip
And my heart longs for another,
But I know I cannot do that,
That makes this Monday bluer than ever,
Hence this poem I write
To let out my pain,
On my dear blog
I let my grief be etched.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
For my friends
Friends are special guardian angels that God made to walk the path of life with us. They are with us through thick and thin. They laugh with us in our joy and are there to lend a shoulder for us to cry on when we are sad. They make certain situations tolerable and certain moments all the more beautiful just by being there. And, we almost always forget to say a little 'thank you' to these people. So, on this friendship day, here's my note of thanks to those special people called friends who have been there in my life and have helped me survive! :-)
My mom - One of my bestest of friends, with whom I can share anything. She has been there with me through trying situations and in my achievements. Thanks a lot mom, for the wonderful relationship that we share!
Family - A special note of thanks to Shuba Chitti, Priya Bhabhi and Vidhya Bhabhi for being great friends. Thanks a lot for all that you've done for me! :-) Also, thanks to all my arunda vaalu cousins! :-)
School day friends - I have lost touch with most of these guys, except for Rushvi, Kunjan, Dolly and Honey.
Rushvi is my friend since kindergarten, who is soon getting married. We have shared some fun moments together and made our moms wild! :-)
Kunjan, Dolly, and Honey, I met when I was in high school and we grew to be great friends. Though I am not much in contact with Kunjan and Dolly now, I can never forget the beautiful times we shared in school. Weren't we quite a foursome in school? :-)
As for Honey, she requires a special note of thanks here. Thanks dear, for all the times you dropped in just to cheer me up. Thanks for all the support and love you have given over the years. Thanks for all the times you were there for me just within reach of a message or a phone call when I needed you. It has been 10 years, can you believe it? :-) Ya, ya, I know you'll get mad that I've mentioned your original name here and not your new name Srushti here. You know I'll never call you that, don't you, HONEY? :-)
College friends (grad and postgrad) - Well, I'm not in touch with any of these guys now, but I still remember the great days we had together. These friends made sure that even boring lectures were fun! :-)
Apartment friends - The only person I can mention here is Neha, who lives in the samd apartment as me. We have known each other for almost 20 years now. We know each other in and out. We started out as playmates and then grew to become the closest of friends. There have been days when we've practically lived together, terrorising our moms! :-) She has been a great support and source of confidence in my bad times. Thanks for being there, dear!
Office friends (Past and present) - Dear colleagues Khushi, Annu, Shefali, Indu, Uttara and Shyama, thanks for being there! :-) You guys made those boring medical files worth listening to. Thanks a lot for the great times we had! We had a great team of ladies! :-)
Well, that was about my past job. In my current job, I would specially like to thank Manmeet and Shilpi. Thanks for being there with me through some trying situations. (You know what I'm talking about, don't you?) Thanks for those daily dosages of IMs, mails and messages that make work life bearable. Thanks for reading and commenting on the inane blatherings that I put up on my blog. And most of all, thanks for acting as doctors and taking care of me! How can I ever forget the way you reminded me to take my medicines, the glasses of glucose that you brought for me and the bandages you helped me tie when I sprained my arm?
I would also like to mention the names of Pooja and Silviya, who used to work with me.
Blog buddies - Thanks to all you blog buddies who take the time to read my scribblings and comment. You guys keep me going. A special note of thanks to Niths and Sharan, who have been the siblings I never had. Thanks guys! :-)
Thanks all of you for being a part of my life! :-)
My mom - One of my bestest of friends, with whom I can share anything. She has been there with me through trying situations and in my achievements. Thanks a lot mom, for the wonderful relationship that we share!
Family - A special note of thanks to Shuba Chitti, Priya Bhabhi and Vidhya Bhabhi for being great friends. Thanks a lot for all that you've done for me! :-) Also, thanks to all my arunda vaalu cousins! :-)
School day friends - I have lost touch with most of these guys, except for Rushvi, Kunjan, Dolly and Honey.
Rushvi is my friend since kindergarten, who is soon getting married. We have shared some fun moments together and made our moms wild! :-)
Kunjan, Dolly, and Honey, I met when I was in high school and we grew to be great friends. Though I am not much in contact with Kunjan and Dolly now, I can never forget the beautiful times we shared in school. Weren't we quite a foursome in school? :-)
As for Honey, she requires a special note of thanks here. Thanks dear, for all the times you dropped in just to cheer me up. Thanks for all the support and love you have given over the years. Thanks for all the times you were there for me just within reach of a message or a phone call when I needed you. It has been 10 years, can you believe it? :-) Ya, ya, I know you'll get mad that I've mentioned your original name here and not your new name Srushti here. You know I'll never call you that, don't you, HONEY? :-)
College friends (grad and postgrad) - Well, I'm not in touch with any of these guys now, but I still remember the great days we had together. These friends made sure that even boring lectures were fun! :-)
Apartment friends - The only person I can mention here is Neha, who lives in the samd apartment as me. We have known each other for almost 20 years now. We know each other in and out. We started out as playmates and then grew to become the closest of friends. There have been days when we've practically lived together, terrorising our moms! :-) She has been a great support and source of confidence in my bad times. Thanks for being there, dear!
Office friends (Past and present) - Dear colleagues Khushi, Annu, Shefali, Indu, Uttara and Shyama, thanks for being there! :-) You guys made those boring medical files worth listening to. Thanks a lot for the great times we had! We had a great team of ladies! :-)
Well, that was about my past job. In my current job, I would specially like to thank Manmeet and Shilpi. Thanks for being there with me through some trying situations. (You know what I'm talking about, don't you?) Thanks for those daily dosages of IMs, mails and messages that make work life bearable. Thanks for reading and commenting on the inane blatherings that I put up on my blog. And most of all, thanks for acting as doctors and taking care of me! How can I ever forget the way you reminded me to take my medicines, the glasses of glucose that you brought for me and the bandages you helped me tie when I sprained my arm?
I would also like to mention the names of Pooja and Silviya, who used to work with me.
Blog buddies - Thanks to all you blog buddies who take the time to read my scribblings and comment. You guys keep me going. A special note of thanks to Niths and Sharan, who have been the siblings I never had. Thanks guys! :-)
Thanks all of you for being a part of my life! :-)
Thursday, August 2, 2007
A letter to a friend
Dear friend,
I met you as a stranger and treated you like a friend. You, for all this, gave me a beautiful gift in return. A stab in the back. You left me in the darkness when I expected you to lead the way.
Maybe you had your own reasons for doing what you did. I don’t know. I had somehow expected you to be different, but you turned out to be just like the other ordinary mortals of the world. That hurt, because I had trusted you. Maybe I expected too much?
Ironically, you turned out to be exactly one of those people whom you claimed to hate. But this is not to crib or point out your flaws. This is to thank you. Thanks for doing what you did. It made an invaluable contribution in my life. Yes, it shook my faith in humanity for a while, but it increased my inner strength and will a thousand times. My faith in myself and in Him is greater than ever before. And, this could not have been possible without your help.
Dear friend, you brought me face to face with reality. I would probably not have realized the perils lurking there in the world for me if you hadn’t pointed them out to me with your actions. You made me open my eyes wide. Now my path is clearer, thanks to you.
Thank you for bringing to home the fact that I yet have a lot to learn in life.
Thank you for the good times that I shared with you.
May people like you keep hurting the ones who trust them. For, it strengthens them in a way probably very few other things can do.
I do not wish to settle scores with you, for I know there is someone up high above who does that. That is not my job. He, the master accountant, has the debits and credits of everyone neatly registered in his books. He follows you, wherever you go. He makes note of all the minute things you do. And when he feels the time is right, He repays you for your doings, in his own special way. And I trust that hand more than anything.
I don’t know if it is your loss or mine that we are no longer friends, but I know for sure that you have lost the high respect that I had for you as a person. I believe losing respect in someone’s eyes is one of the worst things that can happen to anyone. But I am not so sure if you can feel that now.
Goodbye. Nice having known you. Thanks for everything.
I met you as a stranger and treated you like a friend. You, for all this, gave me a beautiful gift in return. A stab in the back. You left me in the darkness when I expected you to lead the way.
Maybe you had your own reasons for doing what you did. I don’t know. I had somehow expected you to be different, but you turned out to be just like the other ordinary mortals of the world. That hurt, because I had trusted you. Maybe I expected too much?
Ironically, you turned out to be exactly one of those people whom you claimed to hate. But this is not to crib or point out your flaws. This is to thank you. Thanks for doing what you did. It made an invaluable contribution in my life. Yes, it shook my faith in humanity for a while, but it increased my inner strength and will a thousand times. My faith in myself and in Him is greater than ever before. And, this could not have been possible without your help.
Dear friend, you brought me face to face with reality. I would probably not have realized the perils lurking there in the world for me if you hadn’t pointed them out to me with your actions. You made me open my eyes wide. Now my path is clearer, thanks to you.
Thank you for bringing to home the fact that I yet have a lot to learn in life.
Thank you for the good times that I shared with you.
May people like you keep hurting the ones who trust them. For, it strengthens them in a way probably very few other things can do.
I do not wish to settle scores with you, for I know there is someone up high above who does that. That is not my job. He, the master accountant, has the debits and credits of everyone neatly registered in his books. He follows you, wherever you go. He makes note of all the minute things you do. And when he feels the time is right, He repays you for your doings, in his own special way. And I trust that hand more than anything.
I don’t know if it is your loss or mine that we are no longer friends, but I know for sure that you have lost the high respect that I had for you as a person. I believe losing respect in someone’s eyes is one of the worst things that can happen to anyone. But I am not so sure if you can feel that now.
Goodbye. Nice having known you. Thanks for everything.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Glad to be back!!!!!
After a brief hiatus from the blog world, I am back again!!!!! This time with some Hindi poetry by yours truly....

Haath hamare utthe dua mein,
Kisine hum se poocha,
Khuda se kya apne liye khushi maangi?
Humne kaha, haan,
Humne unke hothon ki hansi maangi...
My hands went up in prayer,
And someone asked me,
"Did you ask the lord for your happiness?"
I said, "Yes, I asked him
That a smile always rest on my loved one's lips."

Ae khuda, humein lambi umr ki kaamna nahi,
Bas itni tamanna hai,
Ki kuch lamhe aise hon
Jinme zindagi samayi ho.....
O Lord, I do not desire for a long life,
But I have one small wish,
Just give me a few moments
Which are full of life.....

Haath hamare utthe dua mein,
Kisine hum se poocha,
Khuda se kya apne liye khushi maangi?
Humne kaha, haan,
Humne unke hothon ki hansi maangi...
My hands went up in prayer,
And someone asked me,
"Did you ask the lord for your happiness?"
I said, "Yes, I asked him
That a smile always rest on my loved one's lips."

Ae khuda, humein lambi umr ki kaamna nahi,
Bas itni tamanna hai,
Ki kuch lamhe aise hon
Jinme zindagi samayi ho.....
O Lord, I do not desire for a long life,
But I have one small wish,
Just give me a few moments
Which are full of life.....
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Another excerpt from Coelho
I am back with Coelho again! Can't seem to help it! :-) This is one of his best articles in the book "Like the flowing river". Many must have already read it before, but it is something that I would like to preserve and read again and again. Hence this post. Here goes:
The Story of the Pencil
A boy was watching his grandmother write a letter.
At one point, he asked:
‘Are you writing a story about what we’ve done? Is
it a story about me?’
His grandmother stopped writing her letter and said
to her grandson:
‘I am writing about you, actually, but more important
than the words is the pencil I’m using. I hope you
will be like this pencil when you grow up.’
Intrigued, the boy looked at the pencil. It didn’t
seem very special.
‘But it’s just like any other pencil I’ve ever seen!’
‘That depends on how you look at things. It has five
qualities which, if you manage to hang on to them, will
make you a person who is always at peace with the
‘First quality: you are capable of great things, but
you must never forget that there is a hand guiding your
steps. We call that hand God, and He always guides us
according to His will.
‘Second quality: now and then, I have to stop writing
and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a
little, but afterwards, he’s much sharper. So you, too,
must learn to bear certain pains and sorrows, because
they will make you a better person.
‘Third quality: the pencil always allows us to use an
eraser to rub out any mistakes. This means that correcting
something we did is not necessarily a bad thing; it
helps to keep us on the road to justice.
‘Fourth quality: what really matters in a pencil is not
its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So always
pay attention to what is happening inside you.
‘Finally, the pencil’s fifth quality: it always leaves a
mark. In just the same way, you should know that
everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be
conscious of that in your every action.’
The Story of the Pencil
A boy was watching his grandmother write a letter.
At one point, he asked:
‘Are you writing a story about what we’ve done? Is
it a story about me?’
His grandmother stopped writing her letter and said
to her grandson:
‘I am writing about you, actually, but more important
than the words is the pencil I’m using. I hope you
will be like this pencil when you grow up.’
Intrigued, the boy looked at the pencil. It didn’t
seem very special.
‘But it’s just like any other pencil I’ve ever seen!’
‘That depends on how you look at things. It has five
qualities which, if you manage to hang on to them, will
make you a person who is always at peace with the
‘First quality: you are capable of great things, but
you must never forget that there is a hand guiding your
steps. We call that hand God, and He always guides us
according to His will.
‘Second quality: now and then, I have to stop writing
and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a
little, but afterwards, he’s much sharper. So you, too,
must learn to bear certain pains and sorrows, because
they will make you a better person.
‘Third quality: the pencil always allows us to use an
eraser to rub out any mistakes. This means that correcting
something we did is not necessarily a bad thing; it
helps to keep us on the road to justice.
‘Fourth quality: what really matters in a pencil is not
its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So always
pay attention to what is happening inside you.
‘Finally, the pencil’s fifth quality: it always leaves a
mark. In just the same way, you should know that
everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be
conscious of that in your every action.’
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