Its that time in the morning
To step out of the threshold,
Time to wear the mask,
The one with the wide smile
And the big, bright eyes,
Time to conceal all the hurt
And pain deep in your heart,
Time to smile and laugh and cheer,
And show that you have no fear,
Time to show that all is well
And blink back your tears,
Time to show that you are strong
Though you may be bleeding inside,
Time to show that you are prepared
Though you haven't a clue,
Time to hide beneath a facade
And put up a show,
No, you can't sigh,
You can't shed a tear,
You can't let down your guard,
You have to entertain the audience
For the show must go on,
This mask you must wear
Till the show is over,
And you reach the safe confines of your dear home......
To step out of the threshold,
Time to wear the mask,
The one with the wide smile
And the big, bright eyes,
Time to conceal all the hurt
And pain deep in your heart,
Time to smile and laugh and cheer,
And show that you have no fear,
Time to show that all is well
And blink back your tears,
Time to show that you are strong
Though you may be bleeding inside,
Time to show that you are prepared
Though you haven't a clue,
Time to hide beneath a facade
And put up a show,
No, you can't sigh,
You can't shed a tear,
You can't let down your guard,
You have to entertain the audience
For the show must go on,
This mask you must wear
Till the show is over,
And you reach the safe confines of your dear home......
So profound Priya........
Ur posts/poems have so much depth and maturity that it is difficult to imagine u r so young.
Keep it up,am proud of u.
this reminds me of one of my poems, that I had written sometime loooooooooong back :)
The thought is the same, but the approach, totally different...I had written it in a very cynical manner..YOu have penned it down in a not-so-cynical-but-a-li'l
I love that style of yours....Can find that tinge of optimism and hope in your poems and I love that..It's sorta encouraging :)
"You have to entertain the audience
For the show must go on"
THIS is what I like in your poems, to be precise :)
thanks:-) yellam ungal ashirvadam daan!
thanks:-)glad that u liked my not-so-cynical-but-a-little-cynical poem. if it encourages someone, it has served the purpose:-)
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