A place for everything that is close to my heart....from ramblings of an idle mind to something inspirational to fun and humor.....self-written and sourced....

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Am I a human being?

Earlier today in office, I was reading some articles on the net. I was trying to open an article when I received the following message:

"In order to allow you to view this page, we need to verify that you are a real human being. Please enter the code given below in the box alongside to confirm."


Couldn't help but LOL at this....

For your information, it was proved that I indeed am a human being.:-)


Sathej said...

That is the cyber age for you.Very strange.Wonder where all this will lead!

BioFreak said...

Hey, I dont know if this is deja vu but I think i did get into a page that aksed me confirm if i was human! But I am totally blank! I prowled through my browser history but I cant find it anywhere! OMG..is this the first time I am experiencing a deja vu!! My brain is bursting now :(

Could you post that link?

Akash said...

comeon guys...i know i am not keeping up with this fast moving technology..but now you are really freaking me out...

Nithya said...

Happened to notice that in many sites....the security code verification is for that sake :|
How dumb..Or can it work the other way round ? I mean how could a non-human being (aliens ? animals ? flora ? bacteria ? little green men ? ) work his/her/its way thru this system ? Somebody please answer :(

Anonymous said...

people people people!! when they say human, they mean a live person sitting at a terminal as against a program that will simply generate clicks on their page.

the word verification is for that reason - to prevent 'programs' from spamming you and let only genuine 'people' write comments.

no one thinks you're an alien :-) so rest in peace ok? ;-)

but the message in the post is funny! but funniest of 'em all has to be Windows ;-)

Priya Iyer said...


he he :-) god knows!!


welcome! the site was www.goarticles.com. :-) hope this puts u out of ur plight!


me too a novice with respect to computers! :-)


:-) beats me!


ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhh! got it! :-) thanks for the enlightenment!! but the msg sure gave me and my colleagues a good laugh!

BioFreak said...

Thanks for posting that link! It sounds least familiar!! I never visited that site :(

Priya Iyer said...


:-( anyways, keep visiting!

Ryan said...

he he.....real human being!!funny way of putting it ... yea priya s rite....stops programs from outwitting them...

Priya Iyer said...


he he..funny way of putting it, isn't it? :-)

Anonymous said...

priya is right,

I currently have 1300 spam comments under moderation in my blog.

the reason - spam robots /programs.

And the only way to avoid them is to employ word verification, number calculation etc..

Sign of the times we live in.

Priya Iyer said...


rightly said! :-)