A place for everything that is close to my heart....from ramblings of an idle mind to something inspirational to fun and humor.....self-written and sourced....

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Every day I stand
On the edge of the bough,
Every day I flap my wings
And try to fly.

Every day I realise
My wings are not strong yet,
Every day I fall down
And hurt myself.

Every day I try,
Every day I fail,
But every day I grow
And my wings become stronger.

Every day I wake up
Wiser than yesterday,
Every day my wish to fly
Grows some more.

One day I know I will fly
Up there in the blue, blue sky.

Loved ones say the sky is vast,
Don't go, you'll get lost,
But I'll never know
The true breadth of the sky
Until I spread out my wings
And fly,
Maybe I'll not get lost,
Maybe I'll find my way back.

Every day I watch
As birds larger and stronger
Soar high above,
What if they strike me?
My heart is filled with fear,
But I'll never know
My true strength
Until I spread out my wings
And fly,
Maybe I'm just as strong
Or even stronger.

How will I fend for myself?
Will I find my own food?
The unanswered questions are many,
But I'll never know the answers
Unless I try,
Until I spread out my wings
And fly.

So every day I try,
And will keep trying,
Till I know
I'm ready to soar,
Till I know I'm strong
And won't fall down again.

One day I'll be ready
To explore the whole sky.


Anonymous said...

Very nice.

Nithya said...

"So every day I try,
And will keep trying,
Till I know
I'm ready to soar,
Till I know I'm strong
And won't fall down again."

Very beautiful...had a similar thought, previously..To write some poem that involves birds, wings, freedom etc...THis poem spoke abt optimism and courage instead of freedom...

here's wishing your mom a very happy Mother's day :)

P.S : will not be able to comment on ur posts for a while..Examination time..So mannichikongo :P

Priya Iyer said...

thanks a lot for visiting and giving a comment. do visit again:-)

thanks :-) those are my favourite lines....

all the best for ur exams.....:-)

Sathej said...

Somehow I didn't imagine a bird,but imagined myself!

Priya Iyer said...


well, i imagined myself too when i wrote this! :-)