A place for everything that is close to my heart....from ramblings of an idle mind to something inspirational to fun and humor.....self-written and sourced....

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The journey of life

I am embarking
On a journey,
Life it is called.

I know the route is long and tough,
But there are sweet-smelling flowers too
On the way.

I take with me some companions,
Faith and Hope and Courage,
To help me tread my path.

There are milestones on the way
That I have to cross,
Knowledge, Success, Fame and the like.

I'll need to keep up
With my fellow travelers,
Who tread the same path as I.

'Tis a long path that I intend to trudge,
With hills and rivers and seas en route,
But I cannot stop
Until I reach my final destination.


Nithya said...

We know not
what the final destination is
where it lies
or what it has
in store for us

We know not
whether we would make it
there or not
whether we would reach there
alone or accompanied

We know not
what this journey has
in store for us
what it has to offer us
what it has to take from us

All we know
is that there is a Purpose,
a purpose, upon fulfilling which
will we end this journey
on a happier note

Anonymous said...

Extremely good, as usual. Sometimes, it is a pity that circumstances do not bring together many who share similar dreams. The 'fellow travelers' with whom we journey is usually a very small circle, a foible of our own making.

Priya Iyer said...

wow! that was beautiful!:-)

the final destination that i was referring to is death, that is inevitable for each one of us. till then, we must trudge the path of life!


thanks a lot:-)yes, it is a great pity indeed that life sometimes throws together completely different people and does not bring together people who share similar traits and dreams. but that is life!

by the way, do you write too? please reveal your identity.:-)

Anonymous said...

hi well drafted and connects to neone.


Anonymous said...

well drafted and its connects to neone

Priya Iyer said...


thanks:-) keep visiting!